Explorer Post 101

To all parents and possible Explorer candidates: The post meets every Wednesday at our training tower located at 3085 St. Lawrence (located at the city yard). The meetings are from 6:00 PM (1800 hrs) to 9:00 PM (2100 hrs). Some exceptions are: holidays, winter break and special circumstances.
The ages are between fourteen through their 21st birthday. We recruit two times per year only! The first Wednesday in March and the first Wednesday in September. We have 60 positions; the available slots vary from year to year. If we are full, you may be placed on a waiting list for the upcoming recruitment period. It is nearly impossible to accept new recruits in between the recruitment periods. The new sign ups or “training division” all progresses together, it is very difficult to add a new recruit and try to get them caught up. We have a dynamic yet fast paced program.
If you are interested and have little or no knowledge of the program, we welcome you to attend any meeting. The Post advisors will be happy to give you a tour of the post and answer any of your questions.
Attendance and grades are mandatory. We require you to attend as many meetings as possible and we ask that you maintain a 2.0 GPA.
The program is governed by Learning for Life, a division of the Boy Scouts of America.
There is a minimal start up fee of around $175. This goes toward insurance, patches and misc. supplies.
Please refer to the city website for further information: http://www.riversideca.gov/fire/specialprograms/explorerpost101
Thank you The Explorer post meets every Wednesday at the Riverside training tower from: 1800-2100 hrs